A Key To Healing Aldgate

3 Theodore Lane, Aldgate, 5154


A Key to Healing was born to help people feel more connected and grounded and to find their best internal energy and spirit. A Key to Healing are passionate about ensuring your energy aligns with your life and to increase your vibration through massage and energy treatment. Whilst lightening your load and providing relaxation, they ensure they rid any stale or blocked energy and that your experience allows you to feel like your best self.


  • Massage

Myofascial Therapy

1 hr


1 hr

Myofascial technique works with the fascia tissue in the body. This fascia or connective tissue, is wrapped through and around all the muscles and the visera/ organs of the body. It is subtle and yet profound. This fascia reacts to stresses in the body and can have a strangle hold on the muscles etc. Emotional experiences are also trapped within this fascia, the touch for this work is on the lighter scale of treatments too! Myofascial sacral cranial release, is wonderful for migraines and headaches and problems with TMJ.

Sports Massage

1 hr


1 hr

Deep tissue Sports massage, helps with injuries of all kinds. A massage which improves and loosens extremely tight, tired and stressed muscles! Very good if you suffer with headaches too! Improves the release of toxins in the muscles, by removing lactic acid build up. Stretching can often be incorporated.

Polarity Therapy

1 hr 30 mins


1 hr 30 mins

This is a hands on energetic balancing modality. Very relaxing and grounding, Polarity therapy works with the 3 main energy currents in the body! People comment on how calm and connected they feel afterwards. Polarity treatment is more profound than you realize!!

Chinese Cupping

1 hr


1 hr

This treament usually involves massage along with the Chinese cupping. Good for removing toxins from the body.

Trigger Point Therapy

1 hr


1 hr


Remedial Massage

1 hr


1 hr

Working in massage for the last 16 yrs, Remedial Massage uses a combination of different techniques, depending upon the problem. Trigger point, deep tissue sports massage and Myofascial therapy can often be combined! Remedial helps with many different problems.

Reconnective Healing

45 mins


45 mins


The Reconnection works only with your electromagnetic energy field. The therapist does not touch the client's body for this at all! We have energy grids in the body, which continue outside of the body and these grids are connected to the planet's grids. This treatment is only done once in your life time. Before you can have The Reconnection, you need to have about 3- 4 reconnective healing sessions, which work by clearing the energy field first and prepharing it for The Reconnection. Trained through Dr. Eric Pearl, he is author of the book The Reconnection. Heal yourself heal others.


Iona Lecki

Massage Therapist

Business Hours

12:30 PM - 08:30 PM
10:00 AM - 07:30 PM
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